your bank in denmark

Debit and credit card

Through your salary account, you will have the option of applying for a Dankort, Visa/Dankort and/or a Mastercard (Standard, Gold or Platinum). The Dankort is free, whereas the other cards charge a small annual fee.

Dankort is the most common payment card in Denmark. It is a debit card that you can use in almost any store, restaurant and on the internet. The card is free.

You can combine the Dankort with a VISA card, so you have a debit card that can be used in most countries.

You can also apply for a Mastercard. Depending on your credit limit, daily withdrawal and insurance, you can choose between Standard, Gold or Platinum Mastercard.

Lost/stolen cards
In the event your card is lost, you must immediately call 87 62 32 62 during normal business hours to block your card.

Should you discover unauthorized payments on your card or you suspect that others have access to your card, you must call to have your card blocked immediately.

During normal business hours, call: 87 62 32 62
Outside normal business hours: Call Nets on 44 89 29 29.

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